Post-Implementation Support: Essential Training and Resources for Employees After New Software Launch

Table of Contents

1. Introduction about Training and Support After New Software Launch

After successfully deploying new software, transitioning to everyday use can be challenging. Post-implementation support is essential for this phase.

Without proper support, employees may struggle, leading to frustration and decreased productivity. A robust support framework can help your team adapt and fully benefit from the new software.

Key Points:

  • Post-Implementation Support: Ensures employees are not left to navigate the new system alone.
  • Employee Adaptation: Continuous support helps teams adapt and thrive.
  • Maximize Benefits: Proper support allows for the full utilization of new software.

Let’s explore:

  • Different types of training and support mechanisms
  • Post-implementation challenges
  • Best practices and real-world case studies
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2. The Role of Training

2.1. The Importance of Comprehensive Training Programs

Modern software solutions may be user-friendly, but they still require focused training. Comprehensive programs help employees adapt to new interfaces, functionalities, and workflows, ensuring optimal operational efficiency.

2.2. User Adaptation to Evolving Roles

New software often shifts roles and responsibilities. Effective training helps employees navigate these changes and embrace new roles, enhancing both individual performance and team cohesion.

For example, mid-sized companies often reassign someone from the Core Team to become the ERP system expert.

2.3. Ongoing Skills Development

Continuous skill development is crucial. Regular training sessions during the commissioning phase and beyond can ease transitioning challenges and prepare employees for future updates. Key benefits include:

Additionally, having an in-house ERP point person ensures ongoing support and cost-effective optimization of the ERP system, which is vital for high-performing businesses.

Small and mid-sized companies should particularly focus on nurturing internal expertise to ensure smooth operations and readiness for future technological advancements.

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3. Types of Training

To effectively support employees after the software implementation, it’s crucial to offer a variety of training methods that cater to different needs. Let’s explore how these methods can be integrated:

3.1. Onboarding Sessions

Onboarding for new employees is an essential component. These sessions should introduce the company’s software systems and provide a robust foundation for new hires. A well-structured onboarding program ensures that new team members can navigate the software from day one, reducing their initial learning curve and boosting their confidence.

3.2. Customized Training

Beyond standard onboarding, customized training addresses the bespoke needs of specific roles. Every department and job function has unique requirements. Tailoring training programs to these specifics ensures that each team member acquires the necessary skills to perform their tasks efficiently. For example, sales teams might focus on CRM functionalities, while finance teams dive deeper into accounting modules.

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3.3. Continuous Learning

Technology and processes evolve continuously, making continuous learning opportunities indispensable. Offering regular workshops, webinars, and refresher courses helps employees stay updated with the latest software features and best practices. Investing in continuous learning fosters a culture of perpetual growth and adaptability within the organization.

Incorporating these diverse training strategies will not only maximize the benefits of your software but also enhance overall productivity and job satisfaction among employees.

4. Support Mechanisms

When your employees encounter issues or have questions post-implementation, a robust support system can make all the difference. Here’s a deeper look into the support mechanisms your team will have access to:

  • Help Desk Support: Immediate assistance is just a call or click away. With our 24/7/365 help desk, your employees always have access to professional support, minimizing downtime and keeping operations smooth. Our fast turnaround times and a comprehensive Zendesk tracking system ensure every query is efficiently handled and monitored.
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  • Troubleshooting Guides and FAQs: For those who prefer to find solutions independently, our extensive library of troubleshooting guides and FAQs is invaluable. These resources are designed to address common issues and provide step-by-step solutions, empowering users to resolve problems quickly.
  • User Assistance through Chat or Email: Personalized support is available through chat or email. Whether it’s quick advice or a detailed explanation, our support team provides tailored assistance, ensuring users feel confident and capable in their new system.

Beyond these tools, regular site visits from support staff ensure your team remains proficient, and recurring issues are promptly identified and addressed. Additionally, having an in-house ERP point person—a bridge between your organization and the solution provider—can provide ongoing support, continuously optimizing your ERP system for peak performance.

5. Post-Implementation Challenges

In this section, we will outline the various training and support mechanisms available to ensure employees successfully adapt to newly implemented software.

5.1. Resistance to Change

Resistance is common during software implementation. Communicate benefits from the start, such as:

  • Eased tasks
  • Enhanced efficiency
  • Improved job satisfaction

5.2. Risk of Software Abandonment

Despite efforts, abandonment might occur due to:

  • Lack of engagement
  • Perceived complexity

Counter this with:

  • Interactive tutorials
  • Q&A sessions
  • Dedicated helpdesk

5.3. Mitigating Frustration

Initial difficulties can overwhelm employees. Address this by:

  • Implementing a training matrix
  • Providing structured, step-by-step training
5 Strategies for Implementing New Software in Your Workplace 1

5.4. In-House ERP Point Person

This individual offers continuous support, often sourced from the Core Team, ensuring quick issue resolution and promoting software use.

5.5. Creating a Supportive Environment

This involves:

  • On-site and off-site support
  • Promoting continuous learning and adaptation

This approach minimizes resistance and abandonment while enhancing engagement and job satisfaction.

6. Best Practices

Ensuring effective post-implementation support is crucial for the sustained success of your newly implemented software. Here are some personalized recommendations to seamlessly navigate this phase:

6.1. Continuous Evaluation

  • Regularly monitor the system’s performance.
  • Identify and address inefficiencies early.
  • Ensure smooth operations and optimal performance.

6.2. Establishing a Feedback Loop

  • Create channels for user feedback, such as surveys, forms, and forums.
  • Encourage employees to share their experiences and suggestions.
  • Address pain points based on user perspectives.

6.3. Adaptation

  • Stay flexible based on evolving needs.
  • Update training materials and support methods as required.
  • Ensure support remains relevant and valuable.

By integrating these strategies, you enhance the overall user experience and foster a supportive environment, building employee confidence in using the new software.

7. Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Here are some real-world examples of companies that have successfully executed training and support strategies to ensure successful software implementation and user adoption:

7.1. . Mindfield Consulting

Mindfield Consulting emphasizes the importance of training and support in software implementation. They focus on helping users adapt to changes in their roles, onboarding new team members, and collaborating with vendors. Their support services not only prevent issues but also continuously evolve the platform to meet ever-changing organizational needs.

7.2. Accessplanit

Accessplanit dedicates itself to providing a seamless implementation process for their training management software. Their services include a dedicated implementation team, personalized training sessions, and ongoing support, which ensures both successful adoption and optimal platform use.

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7.3. Planet SHIFT Inc.

Planet SHIFT Inc. collaborates with Mindfield Consulting to deliver expert training and comprehensive support for their clients. Together, they ensure users are well-prepared to effectively leverage the new technology and achieve the desired outcomes.

7.4. SAP

SAP offers a wide array of training and support options for their enterprise software solutions. They provide instructor-led training, online courses, and self-paced learning modules, along with dedicated support teams to help users solve issues and maximize their software experience.

7.5. Oracle

Oracle is committed to offering an extensive range of training and support services for their software solutions. Their offerings include instructor-led training, online courses, and self-paced learning modules. Oracle’s dedicated support teams and extensive knowledge base facilitate troubleshooting and optimization of software use.

7.6. Microsoft

Microsoft goes above and beyond with its expansive training and support services for their software solutions. Users can benefit from instructor-led sessions, online courses, and self-paced learning modules. Additionally, Microsoft provides dedicated support teams and a comprehensive knowledge base to assist users in resolving issues and enhancing software utilization.

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7.7. Salesforce

Salesforce excels in providing comprehensive training and support for their CRM software. Their services include instructor-led training, online courses, and self-paced learning modules. To ensure users get the most out of the software, Salesforce offers dedicated support teams ready to help troubleshoot any challenges.

7.8. Workday

Workday offers robust training and support for their HCM and financial management software. Their resources include instructor-led training, online courses, and self-paced learning modules. With dedicated support teams on hand, Workday ensures that users can resolve issues quickly and optimize their software use.

7.9. Infor

Infor is known for its comprehensive training and support services for enterprise software solutions. They provide instructor-led training, online courses, and self-paced learning modules. Infor’s dedicated support teams are available to help users troubleshoot problems and maximize their software capabilities.

7.10. Epic Systems

Epic Systems takes training and support seriously for their EHR software. They offer a variety of training methods, including instructor-led training, online courses, and self-paced learning modules. Epic Systems’ dedicated support teams are always ready to help users with any issues, ensuring a smooth and effective software experience.

8. Conclusion

Training and support after software implementation are not just optional add-ons; they are essential for ensuring that your team can fully leverage the new tools and technologies. The initial training provides a foundation, but ongoing training ensures that employees can adapt to updates, explore advanced features, and continuously enhance their skills.

Ongoing support is equally vital. It serves as a lifeline for employees as they encounter obstacles or have questions about using the software. Whether it’s through a dedicated in-house ERP point person or a 24/7/365 support package, dependable support mechanisms can dramatically minimize downtime and enhance productivity.

8.1. Personalized Assistance

  • Tailored support for individual needs
  • Reduces frustration and inefficiencies
  • Fosters a positive work environment

8.2. Continuous Improvement

  • Stay ahead with regular updates
  • Training on new functionalities
  • Maximize software capabilities

8.3. Issue Resolution

  • Critical post-roll-out support
  • Swift issue resolution
  • Prevent escalation into larger problems

Robust training and support mechanisms are indispensable for continuous success and growth. They empower your team to use the new software effectively, ensuring that your investment delivers maximum benefits over the long term.


Q1. What kind of training will be available to employees after software implementation?

Employees will have access to a variety of training options, including onboarding sessions, customized training tailored to specific roles, and continuous learning opportunities to keep skills up-to-date.

Q2. How will support be provided to employees during the transition phase?

Support will be available through multiple channels such as 24/7/365 direct support, regular site visits by experts, and tracking systems like Zendesk for efficient issue resolution.

Q3. Why is comprehensive training important for software implementation?

Comprehensive training ensures that employees understand how to use the new software effectively, which can enhance productivity and reduce the risk of errors.

Q4. What are the common challenges faced post-implementation?

Common challenges include resistance to change, the risk of software abandonment, and user frustration. These issues can be mitigated with strong training and support systems.

Q5. What is the role of an in-house ERP point person?

An in-house ERP point person serves as the go-to expert on the ERP system, providing immediate answers and ongoing support to enhance system use and functionality.

Q6. How can a supportive environment be created during software implementation?

A supportive environment can be created by establishing a feedback loop, providing continuous evaluation, and ensuring open communication channels for addressing concerns and suggestions.

Q7. What types of companies might need a dedicated support role post-implementation?

Mid-sized companies may need to create a dedicated support role, while small companies might nurture someone from the core team to become the functional ERP expert.

References and Resources