Agile vs. Waterfall: Choosing the Right Project Management Approach

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Hello there, aspiring project manager! As you explore the landscape of project management, it’s vital you understand and choose between two key methodologies: Agile vs Waterfall. Fear not, this article will dissect both, helping you make an informed decision. Ready? Let’s go! 

Note: The right project management approach can make or break your project. It boils down to deciphering project needs, your team’s synergy, and client needs.

This all-inclusive guide, tackling key areas like Concepts, Pros and Cons, and Choosing the Right Method aligns you with an in-depth comprehension of both Agile and Waterfall methodologies. Plus, it helps you align the right methodology with your project. 

Ready to unravel these methodologies? Set, go!

1. Grasping the Concepts: Agile and Waterfall Methodologies Explained 

Choosing the right project management approach is crucial to your venture. You have three primary options to consider: Agile, Waterfall, and a Hybrid approach. 

  • Agile Methodology: Known for its adaptability, it’s a flexible, iterative process that allows for ongoing adjustments. Crucially, this approach places emphasis on customer satisfaction and early delivery. It embraces changes, even late in development.
  • Waterfall Methodology: A traditional, linear approach to project management. It follows a strict sequential process, with all planning at the project’s outset providing exact timeline and cost predictions. The Waterfall method, however, struggles with mid-project changes.
  • Hybrid Methodology: This method combines the best of both worlds: Waterfall’s structured planning with Agile’s execution flexibility.

Understanding these distinct methodologies will ultimately guide your decision, laying the groundwork for your project’s success.

2. Drawing the Line: Defining the Differences between Agile and Waterfall Approaches 

When faced with a new project and pondering whether to adopt Agile or Waterfall methodologies, consider these essential differences to make an informed decision. 

2.1. Professional Attitude and Management Perspective  

  • Waterfall: Preserves a traditional, structured step-by-step approach, preferred in sectors where a bureaucratic change management process is in place.
  • Agile: A flexible and quick-response framework, adopted by organizations inclined towards evolving and adapting to changing scenarios. Significant shifts in roles and responsibilities are embraced.

Key takeaway: Evaluating your organization’s readiness and propensity for change is fundamental when choosing between Waterfall and Agile methodologies. 

2.2. Adaptability and Capacity for Change

Adaptability✔️ High (Allows for swift course correction and iterative improvement, enabling response to a changing market pulse)⭕ Low (Since planning is done at the beginning, little room for change once the project has kicked off)
Capacity for Change✔️ High (Involves continuous testing, evaluation, and adjustment)⭕ Low (Following defined and sequential phases, without disrupting the flow)

Alacrity Alert: If your business landscape is constantly changing, Agile could be your go-to approach, provided your stakeholders are ready to embrace an Agile mindset.

2.3. Involity of the Client 

Both Agile and Waterfall methodologies involve client interaction, but in distinctive ways: 

 Client InvolvementSuitability
AgileActive client engagement throughout the project, providing regular feedback and aiding course adjustments.Projects with unclear final goal or changing requirements.
WaterfallClient involvement mostly at the start for requirement gathering and at the end to receive the finished product.Projects with well-defined goals and inflexible requirements.
  • Agile: Chosen for its flexibility and responsiveness. However, clarity about stakeholders’ readiness for high involvement is critical for this hands-on approach.
  • Waterfall: Preferrable for its predictability when dealing with well-known project requirements and eliminating uncertainties. Stakeholder interaction is lower than in Agile.

In a 2024 Statista survey, Agile was deemed ideal for 60% of projects, largely because of its adaptability and high client involvement, leading to optimal outcomes. 

The choice between Agile and Waterfall ultimately hinges on the project nature, requirements, and readiness of stakeholders for engagement. 

2.4. Documentation Practices  

Crafting a solid understanding of the management approaches, it’s pivotal to compare Agile and Waterfall in terms of documentation. Both have unique practices that greatly impact the effectiveness of the project. 

WaterfallOrganized and comprehensive, Waterfall relies heavily on detailed documentation. It’s a meticulous yet bureaucratic path that provides a strong footing in project predictability. Every phase undergoes thorough documentation, offering a detailed roadmap for project execution.Detailed planning documents and guidelines, comprehensive archives.A stronger framework for well-defined projects, but can lead to underutilization of talents during certain phases.
AgileAgile, contrastingly, fosters a dynamic and flexible documentation approach. It prioritizes the product and customer value over exhaustive paperwork, keeping the process lean and adaptive.Succinct, up-to-date documentation directly linked to ongoing work.Enhanced efficiency on projects demanding rapid adaptation, like those exploring new markets or tech advancements.

According to a 2024 survey, Agile methodology is favored by businesses venturing into new territories given its swift adaptability. Meanwhile, Waterfall keeps its stronghold in projects where the end goal is concrete and defined. Properly aligning these approaches with project nature can drastically improve your chances of success.

2.5. Project Goals and Project Structure 

Moving on towards the concepts of ‘project goals’ and ‘project structure’, let’s see how they unfold in the context of Agile and Waterfall methodologies. 

  • Waterfall: A sequential approach, where every aspect of the project is pre-planned, including explicit goals and objectives that require accomplishment to go to the next phase. Ideal for projects with static, well-definable goals.
  • Agile: A more adaptable structure, focusing on delivering value over rigid planning. Unlike Waterfall, Agile does not solidify the entire plan early on. Instead, Agile anticipates changing goals and spreads planning across numerous iterations (‘sprints’), making it suitable for unpredictable, dynamic projects.
Planning processUpfront, comprehensiveContinuous, spread across sprints
Flexibility to accommodate changesMinimal, as changes require heavy reworkingHigh, as changes can be incorporated in the next sprint
SuitabilityProjects with preset, static goalsProjects with evolving, unpredictable goals

In summary, Waterfall’s strict, predictable path ensures methodical progress whereas Agile’s iterative processes accommodate organic growth and changes, reinforcing its flexibility. These functionalities distinctly represent their core concepts – structure and predictability for Waterfall, adaptability and customer-value for Agile.

3. Weighing the Options: Pros and Cons of the Two Methodologies

Ready to further dissect Agile and Waterfall? Let’s lay out the strengths and weaknesses of each. Remember, understanding these methodologies in-depth assists in informed decision making. So, let’s get visual and use bullet points and tables for an easy comparison. 

3.1. Agile

  • Flexibility: Agile thrives on the ability to react and adapt to changes promptly, offering project fluidity.
  • Incremental deliverables: This methodology provides continual value to clients, optimizing customer satisfaction.
  • Requires ongoing commitment: Continual input and active stakeholder engagement are essential in Agile. The lack of it can derail a project.

Dive into our detailed guide on what is agile software development, disinhibiting Agile’s methodology for a clear understanding.

3.2. Waterfall

  • Structured progression: Waterfall employs linear, sequential stages. Clarity and predictability are its biggest advantages.
  • Rigidity: Accommodating changes is challenging. Every alteration necessitates major project adjustments.
  • ‘Big Bang’ delivery: Comprehensive feedback is only available towards the project end, risking substantial resources on potentially unsatisfactory outcomes.

3.3. Agile vs Waterfall: At a Glance 

FlexibilityHigh – Adapts rapidly to changesLow – Changes entail major project overhauls
Delivery StyleIncremental – Regular value delivery‘Big Bang’ – End-stage delivery risks resource wastage
Stakeholder EngagementEssential – Progress relies heavily on continuous inputFlexible – Less dependent on constant stakeholder feedback

According to recent 2024 statistics, project failure rates have seen a considerable reduction, largely attributed to the careful selection of project management methodologies matching specific project needs.

4. Making the Right Choice: Identifying the Appropriate Methodology  

After grasping the unique traits of Agile and Waterfall, we shall further guide you in selecting the perfect methodology depending on your project specifics and stakeholder involvement degree.  

4.1. Project Nature Alignment 

Project nature is paramount in determining the appropriate approach between Agile and Waterfall. Get acquainted with a detailed portrayal of this concept. 

  1. Waterfall: Best for projects with specific end objectives. This sequential approach necessitates phase completion before proceeding, ensuring precision and a clear execution trajectory. 
  2. Agile: Suited for evolving projects. Allows simultaneous multi-stage working, offering flexibility and adaptability to change.
  3. Hybrid approaches: Combine Waterfall’s upfront planning and Agile’s flexibility in execution to cater to projects exhibiting both Agile and Waterfall characteristics.

Master the ins and outs of software creation with our guide on Mastering software development

4.2. Stakeholder Engagement Level  

Stakeholder engagement is another crucial determinant in selecting the ideal methodology. Let’s go explore this aspect. 

  1. Agile: Ideal for projects that mandate frequent stakeholder interaction and continuous refinements. Agile encourages regular reassessment and stakeholder feedback incorporation.
  2. Waterfall: Great for projects with limited or structured stakeholder engagements. This method thrives when stakeholder input is confined to the initial phases or specific project milestones.

In conclusion, Agile is built for a dynamic stakeholder relationship enabling continuous project refinement, whereas Waterfall is designed for a static interaction, firming up the action plan from the beginning. Your project’s stakeholder engagement degree will be key to this decision. 

5. Melding Methodologies: The Hybrid Project Management Approach 

The hybrid project management methodology blends elements from agile and waterfall approaches, creating a balanced, effective strategy. It combines well-structured planning with the capacity for swift adaptation, capitalizing on the strengths of both systems. 

Significant Perks of the Hybrid Approach 

  • Structured planning: By following the waterfall model’s approach, the hybrid methodology promotes well-defined project planning.
  • Agility: Emulating the agile model’s capability, it allows for swift adjustments in response to project characteristics or unforeseen changes.
  • Learning Opportunities: The dynamic nature of the hybrid approach offers room for continuous learning and project modifications.

It’s important to note that this combination of methodologies requires project managers to have experience with both Agile and Waterfall approaches to be effectively implemented.

6. Key Considerations for Agile vs Waterfall Project Management 

Choosing beween Agile and Waterfall methodologies entails a thorough analysis of several factors. These considerations could serve as guideposts steering you toward the best-suited approach for your project’s unique demands. 

  • Agile Transition: Switching to Agile can present obstacles due to its ’embrace change and failure’ philosophy, but may be in the end rewarding.
  • Waterfall Linearity: Waterfall’s sequential nature allows limited space for adjustments, making up-front planning critical.
  • Agile Advantage: Agile’s iterative design promotes a ‘fail fast, learn quickly and improve’ principle, encouraging progress and growth.

6.1. Agile Transition: Embracing Change and Learning from Failure 

Those organizations shifting from well-established Waterfall to more flexible Agile may encounter initial hurdles. This transition requires resilience and commitment, but the potential rewards make it an inviting proposition. 

6.2. Waterfall’s Linear Fulcrum: Limited Scope for Corrections 

In contrast, Waterfall’s linear method offers little opportunity for correction once stages are completed. This systematic progression requires careful initial planning but can lead to challenges if unpredicted information surfaces later. 

6.3. Agile’s Leading Edge: The ‘Fail Fast, Learn Quickly, Improve’ Ideology 

Agile operates on a ‘quick release, learn and improve’ strategy, valuing failures as opportunities for growth and innovation. This model facilitates constant evolution and pushes teams towards excellence.

Explore Agile frameworks like Scrum and Kanban and learn how to master them for effective Agile implementation.

7. The Final Verdict: Picking the Perfect Project Methodology 

Understanding your project’s requirements and expecting parameters helps in selecting an optimal project management methodology. The working style preference of your client plays a substantial role in this decision-making process.

Here are the key points to bear in mind: 

  1. Agile model: Perfect for clients who require regular adjustments and validation.
  2. Waterfall model: Ideal for projects with clearly defined objectives and an expected conclusion.
  3. Hybrid model: Suited for complex and extensive projects with a degree of uncertainty. A form of project governance that harnesses the strengths of both Agile and Waterfall, it balances between the structure of planning and adaptability during execution.

Keep in mind, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ in project management. The characteristics of your project, your team’s abilities, and your client’s demands all shape the ideal methodology. As your project progresses, it’s important to engage in open dialogue with all stakeholders, and routinely reevaluate and adjust your approach. 

Remember, as business landscapes continually evolve, staying updated with recent developments in project management trends and practices is more critical than ever. Rapid learning, growth, and adaptation are keys to staying effective and relevant in this fast-paced environment. 

Note: The competition between Agile and Waterfall is predicted to persist and grow fiercer in 2024 as organizations persistently seek methodologies that best align with their unique needs. 

8. Skillset for Success: The Ideal Agile Team 

To maximize the benefits of Agile, you need to assemble a team that truly represents the Agile spirit. In the following sections, we’ll explore the crucial skills and characteristics necessary for a team to excel in an Agile project environment. 

8.1. Cross-functional Talents: Diversifying Your Agile Team  

Agile stresses the formation of small, diversified teams. Let’s explore the reasons why possessing a variety of skills is crucial in the Agile landscape: 

  • Fluidity and Flexibility: A team with diverse skills can leverage collective strengths, promote creativity, and deliver innovative solutions to problems.
  • Response to Change: Agile encourages adaptability, so teams need to be ready for sudden changes in direction. Integrated skillsets within the team facilitate rapid project adjustments without needing external help.

Building a cross-functional team needs planning, effective communication, and management so that every member knows their role and contribution to the project. A culture fostering learning and sharing across different domains can forge a dynamic Agile team. 

8.2. Dedication and Flexibility: Key Qualities for Agile Participators  

Two vital qualities that define Agile team members are dedication and flexibility. Here’s what they entail: 

DedicationAgile requires full participation from team members throughout all project phases. Dedicated individuals ensure each step in an Agile journey is taken effectively, paving the way for project success.
FlexibilityAgile embraces change and so should its participants. Team members need to adapt to new demands and evolving project requirements. Flexibility helps teams and the project to evolve seamlessly together.

Assembling an Agile team involves identifying individuals who demonstrate dedication and flexibility in their work. These are the ones who will actively contribute to the project and truly embody Agile’s philosophy in their practice.

9. Discovering Project Management Trends & Innovations 

Diving deeper than Agile and Waterfall, let’s discover more facets of project management, focusing on the latest trends and innovations shaping the industry. 

9.1. Keeping up with Project Management Trends 

The ever-evolving project management landscape presents new trends. Let’s highlight a few: 

  • Digital Project Management tools: Utility software, online collaborative platforms, and cloud solutions are becoming indispensable.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): These tech-advances enhance risk prediction, resource allocation and strategic decision making.
  • Data analytics: Leveraging data can improve progress monitoring and informed decision making.
  • Focused on Value: Agile is moving towards a value-driven and principles-based approach, aiming to maintain work rhythms while maximizing customer value.
  • Flexibility in Waterfall: The conversation about including flexibility within Waterfall standards is intensifying, with trends like ‘mini-Waterfalls’ gaining momentum.

Understand the core values and principles that govern agile software development with our comprehensive manifesto unveiling. 

9.2. Harnessing Innovations for Enhanced Project Outcomes 

A few methods to leverage innovations within Agile, Waterfall or a hybrid approach include: 

  • Digital Tools: Streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, organize data effectively, and promote efficient communication within teams with the help of software designed for project management.
  • Encouraging Innovative Risk Taking: Agile’s ‘fail fast and move on’ philosophy encourages teams to take calculated risks and explore different approaches.
  • Creative Thinking: With Waterfall, one could leverage innovative thinking in the planning and design phases.

Innovation is not a one-size-fits-all strategy – it’s about integrating customized strategies and tools that best serve your team and your project.

10. Adapting to Change: Ready your Mind for Agile 

Unsure if Agile or Waterfall is the champion of your project ring? We’re here to help you make that decision. Essentially, Agile is a flexible, constantly adapting methodology, whereas Waterfall follows the strictness of a predefined recipe. The key to transitioning successfully to Agile is not just understanding ‘what’ it is, but embracing ‘why’ it is the way it is. 

10.1. The Psychological Leap: Agile’s Distinctive Thought Process 

Shifting from Waterfall to Agile is not a mere procedural change. Instead, it’s a powerful paradigm shift, a complete overhaul of traditional project management mentality. Summarized in key points below: 

  • Agile thrives in uncertainty and constant change, contrasting the upfront detailed planning in Waterfall.
  • Adopting Agile doesn’t mean abandoning planning or documentation, but prioritizing response to change and working software over them.
  • Emphasizes people and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Value customer to collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • The process is more inclusive, transparent, and iterative.

Whatever Agile you adopt, a mental shift that pushes you out of your comfort zone is inescapable, and yet, under rightly aligned circumstances, can bring substantial success. 

10.2. Emotional Preparedness: Welcoming the Agile Way 

Transitioning to Agile from Waterfall needs teams to tune their emotional compass to accept regular changes, rapid plans alterations, and withstand high levels of uncertainty. Key factors are: 

  • Overcoming resistance – Help team members adapt and grow, making mistakes is part of the ‘Fail Fast, Learn Quickly, Improve’ Agile ideology.
  • Culture of collaboration – Promote open communication, ideally leading to effective problem-solving, progress tracking, and overall team synergy.
  • Boosting morale – Frequently celebrate the completion of each sprint, ensuring the team remains motivated throughout the Agile journey.

In conclusion, the transition to Agile reflects a profound mental and emotional journey. It challenges traditional norms, requiring teams to adapt swiftly, exuding resilience in the face of uncertainty.

11. Agile and Waterfall: Survival Kit for Project Management Approach 

Like the instruments in a toolkit, Agile and Waterfall methodologies have their unique uses in different situations. To successfully manage these methodologies, certain skills and understanding are necessary. Let’s have a look at the survival gear for using both. 

11.1. The Agile Route: Staying Agile in an Ever-Changing Business Terrain 

Agile methodology, notable for its flexibility, is an efficient navigator through the rough seas of business changes. This method accommodates constant revisions to ensure the project result remains relevant and valuable despite possible changes in the initial project scope. 

  • Agile Structure: A flexible pillar that promotes continual growth and adaptability.
  • Continuous Learning: Agile supports a ‘fail, learn, improve’ strategy, fostering growth from every project obstacle.
  • The Agile Transition: The transition to Agile is a gradual process, requiring a shift in mindset and practices, backed by adequate training.
  • Flexibility of Use: Agile is not a universal fix. Its utilization should be based on specific project needs and team adaptability.

11.2. Staying Afloat with Waterfall: Keeping Up with Sequential Project Management 

Choosing between the dynamic Agile or the linear and structured Waterfall methodology can pose a stern challenge. But with the right understanding of each methodology’s fundamental concepts, and their unique strengths and limitations, making an informed choice becomes easier. Let’s set sail on this journey of discovery. 

  • Unique Methodologies: Understanding how Agile and Waterfall significantly differ aids decision making.
  • Strengths & Limitations: A clear understanding of the advantages and constraints of both methodologies guides method selection.
  • Project Alignment: The final method chosen should ideally align with the project’s specific needs.

Browse through real-world agile case studies for an insider’s view of Agile in action, revealing successful functional projects.

12. Periodic Evaluation: Ensuring the Right Fit for Every Project Initiative 

Mastering a project management methodology is only the beginning. To ensure ongoing success, continue to reevaluate your chosen method and adapt as needed according to project dynamics. Below, we share strategies to determine the right method, when to transition, and other pivotal insights. 

12.1. Ensuring Project-Methodology Alignment: Continual Assessment Strategies  

Periodic assessment of your project’s alignment with Agile or Waterfall is crucial. Consider this three-pronged strategy to have your fingers on the pulse of your project’s needs: 

  • Regular Project Reviews: Track the project’s progress, efficiency, and alignment with business objectives.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: This essential insight reveals the effectiveness of your management process from varied perspectives.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Practices: Determine how successful organizations in your sector operate to uncover alternative processes or strategies.

Encourage an environment of learning and adaptability to ensure optimal alignment and successful execution of projects. 

12.2. When to Switch: Identifying Triggers for Methodology Transition 

Shifting market requirements or project dynamics may demand a transition in methodology. Key triggers for a switch include: 

  • Speed: Agile’s incremental approach speeds up project progress and is ideal when rapid delivery is paramount.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Agile promotes stakeholder involvement and welcomes changes even in the project’s late stages.
  • Complexity: Large projects with intricate interdependencies might be better served by Waterfall’s structured, sequential approach.
  • Hybrid Requirements: Some projects demand the flexibility of Agile and the structure of Waterfall – Hybrid methods offer the best of both worlds.

Remember, maximizing project results requires flexibility and openness to transitioning between methodologies. The choice should always optimize your team’s productivity and project outcomes.

13. In Conclusion: A Quick Recap 

Choosing between Agile, Waterfall and Hybrid methodologies involves aligning project requirements with a model’s key strengths and limitations. Let’s succinctly outline these key attributes: 

MethodologyKey StrengthsKey Limitations
AgileFlexible, adjustable, and encourages real-time stakeholder engagement. Celebrates the ‘Fail Fast, Learn Quickly, Improve’ mantra, making it ideal for volatile project needs.Requires small, self-organising teams, which may result in staffing and training costs.
WaterfallIdeal for projects with defined goals and stable requirements. The methodical, phase-based structure ensures details are not overlooked.Restricts mid-course corrections, and certain staff may be underutilized during certain phases.
HybridCombines the disciplined planning of Waterfall with the flexibility of Agile, thus catering to projects with both stable and dynamic elements.Tailoring the approach to balance both methodologies can be challenging.

Remember, no methodology is ‘one-size-fits-all’. The key to successful project management lies in your adaptability to the shifting business environment and your ability to strike the right balance based on each project’s unique requirements

According to recent trends in 2024 by the Project Management Institute, the more flexible and adjustable a methodology is, the higher the project success rate. They indicated higher adoption rates for Agile and Hybrid methodologies attributing to their flexible nature. Keeping these stats in mind will aid in choosing the right approach for your projects.

14. Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the main differences between Agile and Waterfall project management methodologies?

Both Agile and Waterfall have unique approaches to project management. Waterfall methodology is sequential, where each phase must be completed before the next can begin. Agile, on the other hand, emphasizes iterative progress, continuous customer feedback, and adaptability to changes.

Q2. Can you highlight some advantages and disadvantages of Agile and Waterfall?

Agile offers advantages such as frequent adjustments, continuous improvement, and increased stakeholder engagement. However, it lacks detailed documentation and may not suit projects with fixed requirements. Conversely, Waterfall offers clear and complete project plans with strict deadlines but lacks flexibility for changes once a phase is completed.

Q3. How do I decide which methodology is right for my project?

Determining the right methodology involves understanding the nature of your project, the level of stakeholder engagement, and the potential for changes. Waterfall may work better for projects with fixed goals, while Agile may be a better choice for projects that require frequent changes and engagement from stakeholders.

Q4. What is a hybrid project management approach?

A hybrid approach combines aspects of both Agile and Waterfall methodologies. For instance, a project can start with Waterfall’s extensive planning and then implement Agile’s flexibility for task execution and improvements.

Q5. Can we switch project management methods midway?

Yes, if circumstances dictate, it’s possible to switch methodologies. Key triggers might include a change in project requirements, additional resources, or unexpected complexities. A periodic methodology assessment can identify whether a switch is needed.

Q6. Can Agile and Waterfall methodologies be used simultaneously within a project? 

Yes, this is where the hybrid methodology comes in. It combines elements of both Agile and Waterfall methodologies, allowing structured planning from the outset while maintaining flexibility during execution. Often project managers who have experience with both Agile and traditional methodologies lean towards this approach. It’s a great option for projects that encompass characteristics of both methodologies. 

Q7. How does the impact of change differ under Agile and Waterfall methodologies? 

Agile is designed to embrace change and adapt as and when needed. It’s structured to facilitate constant feedback and adjust accordingly, making it easier to manage changes, even late in the project. On the other hand, Waterfall is a linear approach, where scope for changes is minimal. Once a stage is completed, it’s usually hard to revert or change, making this methodology less flexible in accommodating change. 

Q8. When should I opt for Agile methodology over Waterfall?

Agile is best suited for projects where the outcomes are uncertain, or evolving. This methodology offers the flexibility to adapt and grow in directions that might not have been initially anticipated. On the other hand, if you have well-defined goals, specific deliverables, and a clear vision of the final outcome, a Waterfall approach may be more appropriate. 

Q9. Can you recommend common practices to ensure project-methodology alignment?

Teams must evaluate the best fit methodology for any initiative continually. You should periodically assess your project’s nature, its goals, the stakeholder engagement level and the potential for changes or uncertainties. The chosen methodology should align with these aspects ensuring efficient project management

Q10. How does stakeholder involvement vary between Agile and Waterfall methodologies?

Agile encourages frequent interaction and collaboration with stakeholders, giving them opportunities to provide constant feedback. This can lead to improved project outcomes, as teams can accommodate changes and improvements on an ongoing basis. On the other hand, Waterfall methodology requires less frequent stakeholder interaction, generally at the beginning and end of the project, or upon completion of certain phases.

References and Sources:

All information and data cited in the content of this article have been gathered from the following sources: